Monday, October 15, 2007

Weight news 15/10/2007 08:42

Pushing Kids to Diet Often Leads to Weight Gain, Study Says (Fox News)
Pushing kids to diet and teasing them about their weight is more likely to lead to further weight gain, rather than weight loss, according to a new study.*http%3A//,2933,301723,00.html
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Pregnancy, Long-Term Weight Control (The Post-Journal)
10/15/2007 - Seventy-three percent of obese women studied in a Swedish obesity clinic identified weight gain in pregnancy as an important element in their long-term weight control. On average, the women reported retaining more than 22 pounds after each pregnancy.*http%3A//
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Study: Teasing adds to weight complex (USA Today)
For parents concerned about their overweight teens, new research suggests the best tactic might be to just relax and cook a healthy Sunday dinner.*http%3A//
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Porter carries less weight (The Plain Dealer)
ellen Winslow Jr. says Joey Porter "needs a hug." What the Miami Dolphins linebacker really needs is a team that gives him context and credibility. Porter's ravings against the Browns carried at least a little weight as a Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker.*http%3A//
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Shape - Lose 44 pounds a year … at work
October 1, 2007 -- It sounds unbelievable, but a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that if overweight people used an electronic stepping device, like the one shown here, for two hours a
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Newsweek - PSP Loses Weight
September 10, 2007 -- Like Nintendo's DS last year, Sony's Play-Station Portable is getting a much-needed nip-and-tuck. The new PSP is only three quarters of an inch thick, ...
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Teasing Adds to Weight Problems (The Houma Courier)
For parents concerned about their overweight teens, new research suggests the best tactic might be to just relax and cook a healthy Sunday dinner. Pushing diets probably won't help. Neither will teasing about weight.*http%3A//
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'Supersized' patients banned from hospital waiting room because floor can't take their weight (Daily Mail)
Staff at a hospital have been warned not to send obese patients to its first floor waiting room amid fears the building will not take their weight. It comes as a fat which raises the risk of heart disease and has been blamed for fuelling the obesity epidemic could be banned*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Weight Loss Can Control Hypertension
September 28, 2007 -- An Italian study has identified overweight as a direct cause of high blood pressure. And it also showed that up to half of overweight people can bring ...
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'Supersized' patients banned from hospital waiting room because floor can't take their weight (Evening Standard)
Staff at a hospital have been warned not to send obese patients to its first floor waiting room amid fears the building will not take their weight.*http%3A//'Supersized'+patients+banned+from+hospital+waiting+room+because+floor+can't+take+their+weight/
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