Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Weight news 24/10/2007 06:18

Newsweek - Sony’s PSP Loses Weight
September 24, 2007 -- Like Nintendo’s DS last year, Sony’s PlayStation Portable is getting a much-needed nip and tuck. The new PSP is only 2cm thick, down from ...
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Study: More fast food means added weight (USA Today)
People who eat several fast-food meals a week are significantly heavier than those who don't eat fast food very often, according to a new study released Monday. Every additional fast food meal during the week was associated with a 1 pound higher body weight.*http%3A//
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Swim club wins weight room ruling (Albany Democrat-Herald)
Members of the Albany Aquatics Association swim club will be able to train in the South Albany High School weight room with their coach as a supervisor, the Albany School Board decided Monday.*http%3A//
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Weight gain linked to breast cancer risk (UPI)
Women who maintain their weight throughout their adult life have a lowered risk of breast cancer than if they gain weight while adults, a U.S. study found.*http%3A//
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Weight linked to breast cancer (TVNZ)
Women who put on a lot of weight at any stage of adulthood increase their risk of breast cancer, likely because the hormone estrogen accumulates in the acquired fat and promotes tumors, researchers said on Monday.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Weight Gain May Spell Trouble for Heart Failure Patients
September 11, 2007 -- Short-term weight gain can signal worsening outcomes for heart failure patients, a new study shows. Patients who gain as little as two pounds over the ...
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HealthDay - Aerobic, Weight Training Combo Best Against Diabetes
September 17, 2007 -- Most people know that exercise can help beat type 2 diabetes, but one type of fitness regimen might work best, a new study shows. Specifically, workouts ...
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Sales Are Strong for Glaxo?s Weight-Loss Product (New York Times)
Desperate for a cure for fat, consumers have purchased more than two million starter packages of the new weight-loss product Alli since it launched four months ago.*http%3A//
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Miss England tries to gain some weight (UPI)
Miss England, who weighs in at 126 pounds, is trying to gain some weight in a hurry to prepare for the Miss World competition.*http%3A//
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Weight Gain Throughout Adulthood Raises Risk Of Breast Cancer (Medical News Today)
A woman who puts on weight throughout her adult years has a higher risk of developing breast cancer, compared to a woman who has maintained a constant weight, according to an article published in Archives of Internal Medicine (JAMA/Archives), October 22 issue. The researchers explain that this research was carried out among women who did not take hormone therapy after the menopause. [click link ...*http%3A//
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